星期三, 11月 21, 2007

如何增加部落格的瀏覽流量?How to Build Traffic to Your Blog … and keep it - SEOlogs.com

對於任何有部落格Blog而且想要成為熱門部落格的人,可能都少不了一開始找尋各種辦法來增加觀眾還有怎麼樣建立反覆瀏覽的忠實觀眾的煩惱,畢竟如果只是一個人對著空氣講話,充其量這樣一個部落格不過只是電子版的日記罷了~ 不幸的是,我現在就是在這樣的處境當中,不過我也承認我還沒有用足夠的新來建立來參觀我的網站的流量。



How to Build Traffic to Your Blog … and keep it - SEOlogs.com: "Search Engine Optimization – About 25% of my traffic comes from search engines. This isn’t very much and I could (should?) step it up. There are three reasons search traffic is one of my favorites: 1. It’s targeted – Most of the people that reach your site through a search engine are looking for something on your site 2. It’s fairly consistent – Sure, rank jumps and drops but as long as you aren’t banned the search engines will continuously send you traffic 3. It’s free – OK, it takes some effort though once your structure is good, the rest becomes automatic (like writing search-friendly content or headlines)"
